Board Meeting - July 21, 1999

The meeting was opened at 8:25 pm

The Board overwhelmingly agreed that Heritage Management was doing a good job. In an effort to update and make current our ARC approval list, we are requesting that Heritage send letters to those homeowners that have received automatic approval for fences, seasonal flags, and basketball goals. Homeowners should request ARC approval on these and other items as outlined in the Covenants in the future.

The current status of the un-sold lots were discussed and it was agreed that we send a letter to Hawks Development regarding the unkempt conditions of 1909, 1911, and 1913 Ascot Terrace.

The Board agreed to look further into an endorsement of All Cycle sanitation service. The Association would receive $6.00 per homeowner annually that signed with All Cycle for our endorsement in the newsletter and web site.

The Board agreed to provide the first copy of the Covenants at no charge to any homeowner that request it through the Association. We understand that there is a $25 fee if a homeowner request copies of the Covenants through Heritage Management.

We reviewed the list of homeowners that have offered to help or provide services to the Association. Currently there are 8 homeowners, not including Board members, that are on this list.

The Board agreed to form 2 committees, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and Neighborhood Events Committee.

The Board will strive to issue the newsletter on a quarterly basis.

The Board agreed to have a Saturday morning "Get To Know Your Neighbor" gathering at the end of Ascot Run on August 7 at 9:00 am. We will be soliciting volunteers for the 2 newly formed committees. Coffee and donuts will be served.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm