Board Meeting Minutes For
Tuesday July 30, 2002
Ascot Glen Homepage
The meeting was held at the Kennesaw Library and was called to order at 7:05 PM. Damon Koch and Cindy Daily were present, Bill Woodbury was absent. 1 additional homeowner was present, which was the Secretary.

1. Front entrance health report.

The sprinklers and lights are in good shape. SummerScapes planted seasonal flowers, enlarged the size of the flower bed, and replaced the potting soil at a cost of $320.00 to the HOA.

A bid was received by the Board from Durham Lawn for lawn maintenance at a monthly cost of $166 plus the cost of flowers and pine straw or $226 per month which will include flowers and pine straw.

The Board voted to accept additional bids for lawn maintenance until the next Board meeting, which is September 24. Please submit additional bids in writing to any Officer.

2. Status of second front entrance sign.
A check has been requested from Heritage for $2,000.00 for the 50% deposit required for the second front entrance sign. We are using Architectural Distinction, which is the person who designed and built the first sign, but now has his own company.

Our insurance policy will be updated after the new sign is installed. We do not think our insurance will go up substantially or at all because the original sign is over insured for $10,000, as we were unsure of the cost of replacing the sign when the policy was drafted in late 1999. We plan on insuring both signs at $5,000 each.

3. Review and approve minutes from previous Board Meeting.
The Minutes were approved and posted to the web site.
4. Q & A from residents. Time may be limited.
There were no questions.
5. Adjourn into Executive Session to discuss any unpaid dues and infractions of the Covenants.
The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM and proceeded to Executive Session.