The meeting was held at the Kennesaw Library and was called to order
at 7:15 PM. Damon Koch, Cindy Daily, and Bill Woodbury were present. 1
additional homeowner was present which was the Secretary.
1. Front entrance health report. The sprinklers were turned on in mid April and appear to be working correctly. SummerScapes was contacted and was requested to do an extra good job this Spring with the seasonal color, even it if was at a higher expense to the Association. There were several comments from the meeting attendees on the lack and type of seasonal color that was planted.2. Decide whether or not to have a second "Ascot Glen" sign built at the front entrance. The Board voted to move forward on the construction of the second sign. Electricity for lights and the possibility of relocating sprinkler heads were addressed. Research is being done on the cost of bringing electricity to the opposite side for new lights before the new sign is ordered.3. Discuss homeowner concerns about Summerscapes and possible alternatives for their services (i.e. request new bids from Summerscapes and/or other landscape companies, etc.) This was moved to the 3rd item on the agenda. The Board voted to address this issue after the new sign is completed, as a new bid would probably be required from Summerscapes anyway.4. What position, if any, should the HOA take in the scheduled development of the property that borders Ascot Glen and is owned by Hawks Development on Hamby Road? Ascot Glen homeowners, this is your opportunity to voice your opinion to the Board on this issue. If you can't be at the meeting, you may send your comments via e-mail to the Board. Please include your name and property address in any correspondence. There were no negative comments placed by Ascot Glen homeowners on this item. The Board voted that they would not take a position on the development of this property at the present time.5. Q & A from residents. Time may be limited. There were no questions from the residents.6. Adjourn into Executive Session to discuss any unpaid dues and infractions of the Covenants. The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM and proceeded to Executive Session. |