The meeting was held at the Kennesaw Library and was called to order
at 7:05 PM. Damon Koch and Cindy Daily were present. Bill Woodbury was
excused from attending the meeting. 1 additional homeowner was present.
1. Front entrance health report. What should be done to improve and increase the seasonal color? New pine straw was spread by SummerScapes at a cost of $162.50. SummerScapes will be contacted to see what needs to be done to increase the seasonal color.2. Review the 2001 income tax returns and have the current Treasurer sign them (if available). The 2001 Income Tax Returns were reviewed, mailed, and posted to the web site following the meeting. There were no federal or state taxes due.3. Elect officers. The President and Treasurer must be members of the Board of Directors. The following Officers were elected:4. Ask permission of each Board member to place their name and address on the web site and mailings of the Association. Update with the new Board member's e-mail addresses. Permission was granted. A new e-mail address,, was created for correspondence regarding the HOA web site.5. Review the procedures with the newly elected Secretary (and Board) in updating our annual registration with the Georgia Secretary of State, updating the bank's signature card, distributing violation letters for ARC / Board review, and notifying Heritage of the new Board members / Officers names and addresses. The procedures were reviewed by Barry Henley. The annual registration with the Georgia Secretary of State was updated online and Heritage was notified of the new Board / Officers following the meeting.6. Discuss best date and location for next Board meeting. It was agreed to keep the Board meetings at the Kennesaw Library, even though homeowner turnout over the past year has been low. The tentative date of the next Board meeting is May 28, pending library approval.7. Q & A from residents. Time may be limited. A follow-up on an ARC request was requested, even though the 60 days since it's submission has not yet passed.8. Adjourn into Executive Session to discuss any unpaid dues and infractions of the Covenants. The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM and proceeded to Executive Session.. |