The meeting was held at the Kennesaw Library and was called to order
at 7:10 PM. Damon Koch, Cindy Daily, and Barry Henley were present. 1 additional
homeowner was present, which was a member from the ARC.
1. Front entrance health report. Due to an early freeze in late October that required the sprinklers to be shut off, the fall seasonal color performed very poorly this year because of the lack of rain fall. Arrangements have been made to correct this next year in the event of an early freeze and continued drought. Research is being done on the cost of making improvements to the front entrance by duplicating the Ascot Glen sign on the opposite side of the entrance. The Board would like to thank Bill and Lisa Woodbury for installing the seasonal decorations over the holidays.2. Discuss why we did not move the annual assessment to March. Also, discuss a two payment option (if Heritage can support it). Article IV, Section 3 of the Covenants requires us to do the assessment at least 30 days prior to the end of the fiscal year. Our records indicate that the assessment had been mailed sometimes in December for at least the past 4 years. Information on the 1996 and 1997 billing dates was not readily available. The Board will be polling the members at the annual meeting on February 26 to see if they would prefer that the billing be done in November to move it farther from the holidays or to see if there is enough support to modify the Covenants and have the billing done after the holidays, possibly sometimes in March. Article XII, Section 4 of the Covenants requires that we have the support of at least two thirds of the total lots to make an amendment to the Covenants so that we could move the billing date later in the new fiscal year. The Board did not support the additional costs and record keeping required to provide a two payment option.3. Make preparations for the 2002 Annual Meeting. We have secured a meeting room at Summit Baptist Church on February 26 at 7:00 PM for our Annual Meeting. The two letters announcing the meeting, proxy, ballot, and agenda were reviewed and modified. New in the mailings for this year were the inclusion of the current Directors name, address, and when their term expires. The proxy and ballot will also include the address, in addition to the name, of any candidate that runs for the Board. Should there be a member that announces their candidacy on the floor of the meeting, we will request that they also give their address. The first mailing will be made immediately and the second mailing will be in mid February.4. Q & A from residents. Time may be limited. There were no questions.5. Adjourn into Executive Session to discuss any unpaid dues and infractions of the Covenants. The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM and proceeded to Executive Session.. |