The meeting was held at the Kennesaw Library and was called to order
at 7:10 PM. Damon Koch and Barry Henley were present. Cindy Daily was excused
from attending the meeting. No additional homeowners were present.
1. Front entrance health report. The water sprinklers were turned on in mid April. Special tools were purchased for $6.00 to adjust the two sprinkler heads nearest the entrance sign. It is hoped that the flowers and grass will now receive adequate watering. We would like to thank Doug Spickler for helping with the adjustments. The metal inlays that were detached from the sign were repaired using JB Weld. Summerscapes has started automatically planting seasonal color as outlined in their agreement. They will add to the pine straw in the fall.2. Review the agreement proposal from Yardman Landscape. The Board has voted to continue using the services of Summerscapes. We may review other landscaping agreement proposals at the winter Board meeting.3. Discuss the wording of Article VI, Section 22 "Artificial Vegetation, Exterior Sculpture, and Similar Items" to see if each Board member's interpretation of this Covenant is the same. The Board interprets Section 22 as follows: Artificial vegetation is not permitted on the exterior of any property. Exterior sculptures, fountains, and flags must first obtain approval from the ARC; except that ARC approval is not required to display the official flags of the United States, Georgia, and Cobb County that are within a reasonable size (standard 3'x5' or smaller) up to one week before and one week after an official holiday. It was noted that the ARC first approved some seasonal / decorative flags in July, 1999.4. Adopt the HOA's web site as the official posting location of the Board's future meeting agendas and minutes. The Board has adopted the HOA's web site as the official posting place of the date, time, and location of Regular Board meetings as required in Article III Section 9. We will also be using the web site to post the Agenda and Minutes of these meetings. Approval was given to secure the domain name for the web site.5. Community garage sale finalization / approval. The Association will be sponsoring a community wide Garage Sale on Saturday June 9th, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.6. Q & A from residents. Time may be limited. There were no questions.7. Adjourn into Executive Session to discuss any unpaid dues and infractions of the Covenants. The Board voted to postpone the Executive Session until we receive the latest delinquency report from Heritage.The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM |